cured to me and it took lenghty subjective evaluation of myself to reach what I feel is a more intelligent attitude toward the periodicals and TVism.
The fact remains that we all have this compul- sive desire to dress, look and act feminine. However, we pass through various stages as we progress along. There are many stages but for purposes of illustration I will only show them as three in number.
In the initial stage a TV may utilize only one item of feminine apparel and then proceed through other stages until a full wardrobe is available. The use of make-up may be added at any time during this period. This solitary activity may be as far as he progresses in TVism. His opportunities for dress are infrequent and secretive.
From this stage the Femmeperson will attempt to create a more realistic effect of a truly feminine per- son by use of padding, and other camouflage. She may attempt to adopt the mannerisms as well as dress of the feminine person. However, this is still mostly solitary though possibly one or two other persons may know of it.
In the final, or advanced stage, the TV makes contact with others like himself, communicates and meets with them, and may possibly make a sortie out into society as a femme person.
What we have to keep in mind is that there is a great deal of overlapping of the various stages and that most TV's never get to the final stage. They reach a sort of arrested" developement somewhere along the line.
Since the Femmepersons in the last stages are more vociferous than the rest of us, we should avoid the conclusion that unless you have reached this stage that you are different than the others. Somewhere al- ong the line there are others almost like you.
If you will bear this in mind and give support to these publications so that this means of expression and